Results submission

Preparing the submission archive

  • System output for each track should be submitted as a .zip or .tgz file that expands into a single directory of RTTM files containing one RTTM file for each recording. For instance, if your submission to track 1 is contained in, this file should expand into:


    One RTTM file should be present for EVERY recording, even if the system output no speaker segments for the recording. If any RTTMs are missing, the submission will be rejected during the validation stage and NOT scored.

  • Examples of valid zip files:
  • To validate the RTTMs in your submission before creating the zip file, use the script from the dscore repo with the command:

    python DH_EVAL_0001.rttm DH_EVAL_0002.rttm ...
  • To validate your archive’s structure, use the script with the command:


Submitting an archive via the NIST dashboard

  • To submit output of a system for scoring, log into your participant account and select Dashboard from the top right of the page.
  • Navigate to the Submission Management panel and click on the task that you wish to submit to.
  • This will open the Submissions page.
    • Click Add new system.
    • Select the system type
      • Select primary if you wish for the scoring results to be displayed on the leaderboard.
      • Select contrastive otherwise.
    • Enter a name for your system.
    • Click Submit.
  • This registers your submission with the scoring server. Next, you need to upload the archive containing your system output. To do this, locate your submission on the Submissions page. As the entries on this page are displayed in ascending order of submission date, it will be at the very bottom. Find your submission and:
    • Click Upload.
    • Select the output you want to upload.
    • Click Submit.
  • At this point your archive will be uploaded to the NIST server and the following will occur:
    • a unique submission ID will be generated; this will be used to track your submission
    • your submission will be validated
    • if the submission passes validation, it will be scored
  • When the server finishes scoring your submission, it will display the status DONE. To access the scoring results, click on this status.
  • If for any reason scoring failed, it will display a status beginning with FAIL. Clicking on this status will open the error log from the scoring script, which can be used to debug your submission.
  • Click here for a detailed step-by-step walkthrough with screenshots for each stage of the process.



  • Each team is limited to 50 total submissions to each track.
  • Submissions that fail during either the validation or scoring phase (status begins with FAIL) do not count against this limit.
  • The deadline for submitting system outputs is December 30th, 2020 (midnight Anywhere on Earth).

System description submission

  • At the end of the evaluation, all participating teams must submit a full description of their system with sufficient detail for a fellow researcher to understand the approach and data/computational requirements.
  • The deadline for submitting system descriptions is January 31st, 2021 (midnight Anywhere on Earth).

Formatting your system description

  • System descriptions should adhere to the format described in Appendix F of the evaluation plan.
  • Please remember to use the IEEE Conference proceedings templates and include all sections listed in Appendix F of the evaluation plan.
  • Teams participating in both tracks should prepare a SINGLE document that describes their submissions to both tracks. There is no need to prepare separate documents for each track.

Submitting your system description

  • To submit your system description, log into your participant account and select Dashboard from the top right of the page.
  • Navigate to the System Description panel, which contains all tasks you are registered for. If you belong to a single team, you should see that teamname displayed at the top of the task list, followed by all tasks that team is registered for. If you belong to multiple teams, there will be a separate list of tasks for each team.
  • Click on the task for the team you are submitting for.
  • This will open the System Description page.
    • Click Choose File.
    • Select the PDF of the system description that you wish to upload.
    • Click Upload.
  • The message “System description was successfully uploaded” should now be displayed at the top of the page.
  • If necessary, you can update your system description by repeating this process and uploading a new PDF.
  • For teams that participated in both tracks, please upload your description twice – one for track 1 and once for track 2.